Photographer, illustrator & video artist
born 1990 & currently living in Luxembourg and Saarbrücken
I embrace an experimental process to create artworks that make use of a delicate but playful visual language.
Publications, Awards & other Activities:
- Bâtiment 4, group exhibition by CUEVA, Esch-sur-Alzette, 13th November - 6th December 2020, FR-SUN 2-9 pm, free entry. -> more information
- Exhibition of photograms as commisioned illustration work at CAPE (Centre des Arts Pluriels Ettelbruck), 1st December - 16th December 2019
- Groupshow Abléck, Herborn/Luxembourg, September 2017
- Videoartwork shown at the Openscreen Special Event Hairy Days, March 2017, at Best of Openscreen 2014-2017 at CNA, Dudelange, August 2017 and at the Openscreen as part of the Luxembourg City Filmfestival, March 2018
and at the Openscreen Event in Nairobi September 2017
- Groupshow White Horse is jumping so far Lindenau/Leipzig, February 2017
- Video Meandering Dreams shown at the Konschtkëscht (cross-border video art project -> more) during July 2016
- Artist-text published on the website of f/stop (photo-festival of Leipzig), June 2016
- Groupshow HGB Rundgang, Leipzig, February 2016 (more)
- Videoprojections created for the ballet and music show Miroirs d'eau, Echternach, Luxembourg, December 2015 (more)
- co-organisation of the Konscht an Kulturkolloquium at the alternative summit Anert Europa, November 2015
- Short films screened at the Kolla Art Festival (website), August 2015
- Groupshow, Abendakademie-Jahresausstellung 2015, HGB/Leipzig, 24th - 27th June 2015
- co-organisation of the exhibitions Stop&Go by the young collective Konglomerat, Leipzig, 2015 (read a review here)
- Groupshow, BSoUP (British Society of Underwater Photographers) stand, Birmingham Dive Show, National Exhibition Center, October 2014
- Masterclass - Wet Collodion Process with photographer Joel Nepper, Luxembourg August 2014
- The collaborative art project Miroirs consisting of live music with abstract video projection was performed on the 15th of July 2014 at the fête de la musique in Echternach, Luxembourg
- My article A Brief History of Underwater Imaging was published in the 101st edition of in Focus, the magazine of the Britsh Society of Underwater Photographer, 2013
- Photography displayed at the 1st edition of the music and culture festival Last Summer Dance, Mersch, August 2013
- 2nd edition of Art under the Roof in Brussels, 10th July 2013
- Spectrum, Degree Show at the Rag Factory, London.
30th May - 3rd June 2013 spectrumdegreeshow.co.uk
- Photography and drawings
exhibited at Artlenster in Junglinster/Luxembourg, March 2013. (artlenster.lu)
- Work screened at the Strange Cargo Light
Festival in Cheriton 23rd February 2013 (www.strangecargo.org.uk)
- Animation and photographs projected at the first
edition of Art under the Roof in Brussels, December 2012 (artundertheroof.tumblr.com)
- Work printed in the third issue of Glue (UCA student run magazine)
- Article about my video The Art of Movement Underwater published
on: underwaterfashion.org
- Was awarded the prix du
public (public's choice award) category 18-26, at the Jugend Konscht
Woch in Differdange/Luxembourg, May 2012
- Personal work shown in the
photography group-exhibition series Guerrilla Maidstone 2011-2012 ( www.guerrillamaidstone.tumblr.com)
- Fashion Illustrations published in the book Fashion Africa by
Jacqueline Shaw, 2011 (Buy
- Contribution to the Competition Next Generation published in the extra of the Newspaper Lëtzebuerger Land on 24th December 2011.
- First prize in a yearly photography competition at the Lycée classique
d'Echternach, Luxembourg 2010
- Drawings shown at XPO E: La section artistique s'expose, Carré Rotondes/Luxembourg 2009
- Groupshow of local artists, Herborn/Luxembourg,
May 2008
other Links:
Art collective Richtung 22 - www.richtung22.org
British Society of Underwater Photographers: BSoUP
Caroline Mirkes invented-arts.tumblr.com